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Welcome to the Excel Mastery Course, where you’ll embark on a transformative journey into the world of spreadsheets and data magic! 🚀
In this course, you won’t just learn Excel; you’ll master it. Dive into real-world datasets, tackle engaging projects, and sharpen your skills with hands-on assignments. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to level up, this course has something for everyone.
Get ready to:
– Learn the fundamentals, from navigating the interface to entering and editing data.
– Unleash the power of formulas and functions, including IF, VLOOKUP, and more.
– Dive deep into data analysis with pivot tables and advanced charting techniques.
– Harness the automation magic of macros and VBA to streamline your work.
– Collaborate and share like a pro, with tips on protecting, tracking, and sharing your workbooks.
But that’s not all! Test your knowledge with interactive quizzes and apply what you’ve learned to real-world projects. By the end of this course, you’ll be an Excel wizard, equipped with the skills and confidence to tackle any spreadsheet challenge that comes your way.
Are you ready to Excel? Let’s dive in! 💼
1Understanding the Excel interface
The Excel interface is the graphical layout that allows users to interact with the software. It includes the Ribbon, which contains tabs with various commands and tools, such as formatting options and functions. The Quick Access Toolbar provides quick access to frequently used commands. Worksheet tabs at the bottom of the window allow users to switch between different worksheets within a workbook. Overall, the Excel interface is designed to provide a user-friendly environment for creating, editing, and analyzing data in spreadsheets.
2Navigating through workbooks and worksheets
Navigating through workbooks and worksheets in Excel involves moving between different sheets and cells to view and edit data. Users can use the scroll bars to move vertically and horizontally within a worksheet. Keyboard shortcuts, such as Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down, can quickly switch between worksheets. Additionally, users can use the worksheet tabs at the bottom of the Excel window to select specific worksheets within a workbook. Efficient navigation is essential for working effectively with large datasets and multiple sheets.
3Working with cells and ranges
Working with cells and ranges in Excel involves selecting, editing, and formatting data within individual cells or groups of cells. Users can select a single cell by clicking on it or select a range of cells by clicking and dragging the mouse over the desired cells. Once selected, users can enter data, apply formatting, or perform calculations using formulas. Excel provides various tools for working with cells and ranges, such as the Fill Handle for copying and filling data, and the Format Painter for copying formatting. Understanding how to work efficiently with cells and ranges is key to effectively managing and analyzing data in Excel.
4Managing worksheets in excel
Managing worksheets in Excel involves organizing, adding, deleting, and renaming worksheets within a workbook. Users can add a new worksheet by clicking the plus icon next to the existing worksheet tabs or by using the Insert Worksheet option. To delete a worksheet, users can right-click on the worksheet tab and select Delete. Renaming a worksheet is as simple as double-clicking on the tab and entering a new name. Managing worksheets allows users to organize their data effectively and work more efficiently within a workbook.
5Excel tables overview
Excel tables provide a powerful way to organize and analyze data in a structured format. They offer features such as automatic formatting, sorting, filtering, and the ability to use structured references in formulas. When you convert a range of data into a table, Excel automatically applies a default table style, making the data more visually appealing and easier to read. Excel tables are dynamic, meaning that they can expand or contract automatically as you add or remove data. This makes them ideal for managing and analyzing large datasets efficiently.
6Auto fill , Custom fill, Flash fill
AutoFill, Custom Fill, and Flash Fill are three features in Excel that help users manage and manipulate data more efficiently.
1. **AutoFill**: AutoFill allows you to quickly fill cells with data based on a pattern or series. For example, if you enter a series of numbers (e.g., 1, 2, 3) into a cell and drag the fill handle (the small square at the bottom-right corner of the cell) down, Excel will automatically fill the cells below with the next numbers in the series.
2. **Custom Fill**: Custom Fill allows you to create your own custom lists to use with AutoFill. This is useful for filling cells with repetitive data, such as days of the week or months of the year. You can create a custom list by going to File > Options > Advanced > Edit Custom Lists.
3. **Flash Fill**: Flash Fill is a feature that automatically fills in values in a column based on patterns it detects in the data. For example, if you have a column of first names and a column of last names, you can use Flash Fill to quickly create a column of full names by typing the first full name and letting Excel fill in the rest based on the pattern it recognizes.
These features can save you time and effort when working with data in Excel, allowing you to quickly and easily fill cells with the data you need.
7Entering and editing data
Entering and editing data in Excel is straightforward and essential for creating and maintaining spreadsheets. To enter data, simply click on a cell and start typing. To edit existing data, double-click on the cell or press F2 to enter edit mode. You can also use the formula bar at the top of the Excel window to enter or edit data in the selected cell. Excel provides various tools for editing data, such as the Undo button to reverse changes, the Fill Handle to copy and fill data in adjacent cells, and the Delete key to remove data. Understanding how to enter and edit data efficiently is crucial for working effectively with Excel spreadsheets.
8Sorting and Filtering data
Sorting and filtering data in Excel are essential tools for organizing and analyzing your data. Sorting allows you to arrange your data in a specific order, such as alphabetical or numerical, based on the values in one or more columns. This makes it easier to find and analyze data.
Filtering, on the other hand, allows you to display only the data that meets specific criteria. You can filter data to show only certain rows or columns, such as displaying only sales data for a particular region or only data for a specific date range. This can help you focus on the data that is most relevant to your analysis.
Overall, sorting and filtering data in Excel are powerful tools that help you manage and analyze your data more effectively, making it easier to identify trends, spot anomalies, and make informed decisions.
9Margins , page layout, header and footer in excel
In Excel, you can adjust the margins, page layout, and add headers and footers to your worksheet when you need to prepare it for printing or to enhance its appearance. Here's a brief overview:
1. Margins:Margins are the blank spaces around the edges of your printed worksheet. You can set the margins by going to the "Page Layout" tab on the ribbon, clicking on "Margins," and selecting the desired margin size (Normal, Wide, Narrow, or Custom).
2. Page Layout: The Page Layout view allows you to see how your worksheet will look when printed. You can switch to Page Layout view by clicking on the "View" tab on the ribbon and selecting "Page Layout" from the Workbook Views group.
3. Header and Footer: Headers and footers are areas at the top and bottom of each printed page where you can add text, page numbers, and other information. To add a header or footer, go to the "Insert" tab on the ribbon, click on "Header & Footer," and then select the desired header or footer format.
Using these features, you can customize the appearance of your printed Excel worksheets to make them more professional and easier to read.
10Excel Basics - Navigating and Managing Data
11Excel Basics - Navigating and Managing DataThe Excel Basics - Navigating and Managing Data quiz assesses your understanding of essential Excel skills. Test your knowledge of navigating through workbooks and worksheets, including using scroll bars, keyboard shortcuts, and worksheet tabs. Evaluate your ability to work with cells and ranges, such as selecting, editing, and formatting data. Determine your proficiency in managing worksheets, including adding, deleting, and renaming them. This quiz is designed to reinforce your understanding of Excel's core functionalities for effective data management.
12Using basic arithmetic operators
Using basic arithmetic operators in Excel is essential for performing simple calculations. The four basic operators are addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/). You can use these operators to perform calculations in Excel by entering formulas into cells. For example, to add two numbers, you would enter =A1+B1, where A1 and B1 are the cells containing the numbers you want to add. Understanding how to use basic arithmetic operators is foundational for working with formulas and functions in Excel.
13Sum, Average, Min, Max functions
The SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, and MAX functions are fundamental to Excel for performing calculations on data in a worksheet.
- SUM: Adds up values in a range of cells. For example, =SUM(A1:A5) adds the values in cells A1 to A5.
- AVERAGE: Calculates the average of values in a range of cells. For example, =AVERAGE(A1:A5) calculates the average of the values in cells A1 to A5.
- MIN: Finds the smallest value in a range of cells. For example, =MIN(A1:A5) finds the smallest value in cells A1 to A5.
- MAX: Finds the largest value in a range of cells. For example, =MAX(A1:A5) finds the largest value in cells A1 to A5.
These functions are useful for quickly summarizing data and gaining insights into your dataset.
14Count and CountA functions
The COUNT and COUNTA functions are used in Excel to count cells within a range.
- COUNT: Counts the number of cells in a range that contain numbers. Blank cells and cells with text or errors are not counted. For example, =COUNT(A1:A5) counts the number of cells in cells A1 to A5 that contain numbers.
- COUNTA: Counts the number of non-empty cells in a range. This function counts cells that contain any type of data, including numbers, text, and errors. For example, =COUNTA(A1:A5) counts the number of non-empty cells in cells A1 to A5.
These functions are helpful for analyzing data and understanding the distribution of values within a dataset.
15Basic Formulas and Functions in ExcelThe Basic Formulas and Functions in Excel quiz tests your understanding of fundamental Excel functions and formulas. You will be asked multiple-choice questions about using basic arithmetic operators, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, as well as the SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, and MAX functions. Test your knowledge of how to use these functions to perform calculations and analyze data in Excel. This quiz is designed to assess your proficiency in applying basic formulas and functions to solve common problems in Excel.
16Basic Formulas and Functions in Excel
17Left, right, mid,len, search
These Excel functions are used for text manipulation:
- LEFT(text, [num_chars]): Returns the leftmost characters from a text string.
- RIGHT(text, [num_chars]): Returns the rightmost characters from a text string.
- MID(text, start_num, num_chars): Returns a specific number of characters from a text string, starting at a specified position.
- LEN(text): Returns the number of characters in a text string.
- SEARCH(find_text, within_text, [start_num]): Returns the starting position of a text string within another text string.
18Insering and deleting rows and columns
Inserting and deleting rows and columns in Excel is a fundamental skill that allows you to adjust the layout of your data. To insert a row or column, you can right-click on the row number or column letter where you want to insert the new row or column, and then select "Insert" from the context menu. Alternatively, you can select the row or column and then go to the "Home" tab on the ribbon, click on the "Insert" dropdown, and choose "Insert Sheet Rows" or "Insert Sheet Columns."
To delete a row or column, you can right-click on the row number or column letter and select "Delete" from the context menu. Alternatively, you can select the row or column and then go to the "Home" tab on the ribbon, click on the "Delete" dropdown, and choose "Delete Sheet Rows" or "Delete Sheet Columns."
When inserting or deleting rows or columns, be aware that any data in the affected rows or columns will be shifted accordingly. It's a good practice to double-check your data after making such changes to ensure that everything is still in the correct place.
19Formatting cells
Formatting cells in Excel allows you to change the appearance of the data within them. This includes changing the font style, font size, font color, cell background color, and applying borders and number formatting. Formatting cells can make your data more visually appealing and easier to read. Excel provides various formatting options that you can access through the Format Cells dialog box, the Home tab on the ribbon, or by using keyboard shortcuts. Understanding how to format cells effectively is key to presenting your data in a clear and professional manner.
20Using cell styles
Using cell styles in Excel allows you to quickly apply a consistent formatting style to cells in your spreadsheet. Cell styles are predefined formatting combinations that include font, font size, font color, cell border, and cell shading settings. Excel provides several built-in cell styles for different purposes, such as headings, data tables, and totals. By using cell styles, you can ensure that your spreadsheet has a consistent and professional look, making it easier to read and understand.
21Conditional formatting
Conditional formatting in Excel allows you to format cells based on specific conditions. This feature is useful for highlighting important data points, spotting trends, and visually organizing your spreadsheet. You can set up conditional formatting rules to change the font color, fill color, or apply icons to cells that meet certain criteria. For example, you can highlight cells with values greater than a certain number or cells that contain specific text. Conditional formatting helps you to quickly identify and analyze data that meets your specified criteria.
22Formatting in Excel
23Font Formatting
Font formatting in Excel allows you to change the appearance of text in your spreadsheet. You can change the font type, size, color, and style (bold, italic, underline) to make your data more readable or emphasize certain information.
To format font in Excel, select the cell or range of cells you want to format, then use the options in the "Font" group on the "Home" tab of the ribbon. Here are some common font formatting options:
1. **Font Type:** Click the dropdown arrow next to the font name box and select a font from the list.
2. **Font Size:** Click the dropdown arrow next to the font size box and select a font size from the list.
3. **Bold, Italic, Underline:** Use the buttons in the "Font" group to apply bold, italic, or underline formatting to the selected text.
4. **Font Color:** Click the "Font Color" button to change the color of the selected text. You can choose a standard color or click "More Colors" to select a custom color.
5. **Strikethrough, Subscript, Superscript:** Use the buttons in the "Font" group to apply these formatting options to the selected text.
You can also access font formatting options by right-clicking on a cell and selecting "Format Cells," then clicking on the "Font" tab in the Format Cells dialog box.
Font formatting can help you make your Excel spreadsheets more visually appealing and easier to read, so it's worth exploring these options to see how they can enhance your data presentation.
24Formatting in ExcelConditional formatting in Excel allows you to format cells based on specific conditions. This feature is useful for highlighting important data points, spotting trends, and visually organizing your spreadsheet. You can set up conditional formatting rules to change the font color, fill color, or apply icons to cells that meet certain criteria. For example, you can highlight cells with values greater than a certain number or cells that contain specific text. Conditional formatting helps you to quickly identify and analyze data that meets your specified criteria.
25Creating different types of Charts
Creating different types of charts in Excel allows you to visually represent your data in various formats to highlight trends, comparisons, and relationships. Excel offers a wide range of chart types, including column charts, bar charts, line charts, pie charts, and scatter plots, among others. Each chart type is suited for different types of data and can be customized to enhance its visual appeal and effectiveness. By choosing the right chart type and customizing it to fit your data, you can effectively communicate insights and findings to your audience.
26Formatting and customizing charts
Formatting and customizing charts in Excel allows you to enhance their visual appearance and make them more effective in communicating your data. You can format chart elements such as the chart title, axis labels, data labels, and chart legend to make them more readable and visually appealing. Additionally, you can customize the colors, styles, and layouts of your charts to match your presentation style or to highlight specific data points. Excel provides a range of formatting options and customization features that allow you to create professional-looking charts that effectively convey your data.
27Insert shapes and images in excel
Inserting shapes and images in Excel allows you to enhance the visual appeal of your spreadsheets and make them more engaging. To insert a shape, go to the "Insert" tab on the ribbon, click on the "Shapes" dropdown, and select the desired shape. Click and drag on the spreadsheet to draw the shape, and then use the resizing handles to adjust its size and shape.
To insert an image, go to the "Insert" tab, click on the "Pictures" button, and select the image file you want to insert. You can also use the "Online Pictures" option to search for images online and insert them directly into your spreadsheet.
Once inserted, you can move, resize, and format shapes and images using the options available in the "Format" tab that appears when you select a shape or image. You can change the fill color, outline color, and effects, as well as apply text wrapping and alignment options to ensure that the shape or image fits seamlessly into your spreadsheet layout.
Adding shapes and images can help you create visually appealing reports, presentations, and dashboards in Excel, making your data more impactful and easier to understand.
28Charts, Graphs, and Managing Data
29Charts, Graphs, and Managing DataFormatting and customizing charts in Excel allows you to enhance their visual appearance and make them more effective in communicating your data. You can format chart elements such as the chart title, axis labels, data labels, and chart legend to make them more readable and visually appealing. Additionally, you can customize the colors, styles, and layouts of your charts to match your presentation style or to highlight specific data points. Excel provides a range of formatting options and customization features that allow you to create professional-looking charts that effectively convey your data.
30Final quiz -Microsoft Excel _ Begginer LevelFinal Quiz - Microsoft Excel - Beginner Level Instructions: - Read each question carefully and select the correct answer. - There is only one correct answer per question. --- Test your knowledge of Microsoft Excel with this beginner-level quiz! This quiz covers the basics of Excel, including the interface, navigating through workbooks and worksheets, entering and editing data, basic formulas and functions, formatting, charts, and managing data. Answer the questions to see how well you understand the fundamentals of Excel!
31IF, Nested IF functions AND OR functions
The lesson on IF, Nested IF functions, and AND OR functions covers the fundamentals of conditional logic in Excel. You will learn how to use the IF function to perform a logical test and return one value if the test is true and another value if it's false. Nested IF functions allow you to include multiple IF statements within each other, enabling more complex logical tests. Additionally, you will learn how to use the AND and OR functions to combine multiple conditions in a single formula. This lesson is essential for anyone looking to perform advanced calculations and decision-making in Excel.
32VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP functions
The lesson on VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions teaches you how to search for a value in a table (either vertically or horizontally) and retrieve information from a corresponding row or column. VLOOKUP is used for vertical lookup, where the function searches for a value in the first column of a table and returns a value in the same row from a specified column. HLOOKUP is similar but works horizontally, searching for a value in the first row of a table and returning a value in the same column from a specified row. These functions are valuable for quickly finding and extracting specific data from large datasets in Excel.
33X Lookup
XLOOKUP is a modern Excel function that simplifies and enhances lookup operations. It offers flexibility to search for a value in a range or array and return a corresponding result. With XLOOKUP, you can perform advanced lookups efficiently, replacing older functions like VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP.
INDEX and MATCH are two functions in Excel that are often used together to perform lookups.
The INDEX function returns the value of a cell in a table based on the row and column numbers. It takes the following syntax:
=INDEX(array, row_num, [column_num])
- `array` is the range of cells you want to look in.
- `row_num` is the row number in the array from which to return a value.
- `column_num` is the column number in the array from which to return a value (optional if array is one-dimensional).
The MATCH function returns the relative position of an item in a range. It takes the following syntax:
=MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type])
- `lookup_value` is the value you want to match.
- `lookup_array` is the range of cells to search for the lookup_value.
- `match_type` is a number that specifies how Excel matches the lookup_value with values in lookup_array (1 for less than, -1 for greater than, 0 for exact match).
By combining these two functions, you can perform a lookup based on both the row and column values, allowing for more flexible lookups than with VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP alone.
The lesson on SUMIF, COUNTIF, and AVERAGEIF functions introduces you to conditional aggregation functions in Excel. These functions allow you to perform calculations on a range of cells that meet specific criteria.
- SUMIF -adds up values in a range that meet criteria you specify.
-COUNTIF- counts the number of cells in a range that meet criteria you specify.
- AVERAGEIF calculates the average of cells in a range that meet criteria you specify.
These functions are particularly useful for analyzing and summarizing data based on certain conditions, providing a way to quickly get insights from your data.
The CONCATENATE and TEXTJOIN functions are used to combine text strings in Excel.
- CONCATENATE allows you to join together two or more text strings into a single string. For example, CONCATENATE("Hello", " ", "world") would result in "Hello world".
- TEXTJOIN is similar but offers more flexibility. It allows you to specify a delimiter (such as a comma or space) to separate the text strings, and you can also ignore empty cells. For example, TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, "Hello", "", "world") would result in "Hello, world" by ignoring the empty cell between "Hello" and "world".
These functions are useful for combining text from different cells or adding separators between text values.
37All Databse Functions
In Excel, database functions such as DAVG, DSUM, DCOUNT, SUBTOTAL, DSUM with AND, and DSUM with OR are used for data analysis and calculation within a specified range or table. Here's a brief overview of each:
1. DAVG (Database Average): Calculates the average of values in a column in a list or database that meets specific criteria.
2. DSUM (Database Sum):Adds the numbers in a column in a list or database that meets specific criteria.
3.DCOUNT (Database Count): Counts the number of cells that contain numbers in a column in a list or database that meets specific criteria.
4. SUBTOTAL:Returns a subtotal in a list or database. It can perform various functions like SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, etc., and includes or excludes values in hidden rows.
5. DSUM with AND:Calculates the sum of values in a column that meet multiple criteria using the AND logical function.
6. DSUM with OR:Calculates the sum of values in a column that meet at least one of the specified criteria using the OR logical function.
These functions are useful for performing complex calculations and analysis on large datasets in Excel.
38Intermediate Excel - Advanced Formulas and Functions
39Intermediate Excel - Advanced Formulas and FunctionsIn this lesson, you learned about advanced formulas and functions in Excel, including IF, Nested IF, AND, OR, VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, SUMIF, COUNTIF, AVERAGEIF, CONCATENATE, and TEXTJOIN. These functions can help you make complex calculations, look up data in tables, and combine text strings. By mastering these functions, you'll be able to perform more advanced analyses and calculations in Excel, making you more efficient and effective in your work. Practice using these functions in different scenarios to become more comfortable with their use.
40Using pivot tables
The lesson on using pivot tables teaches you how to analyze and summarize large datasets in Excel. Pivot tables allow you to reorganize and summarize data from a table or range into a more manageable format without changing the original data. You can quickly create a pivot table by selecting your data and then choosing the fields you want to analyze. Pivot tables can help you identify trends, patterns, and outliers in your data, making it easier to draw insights and make data-driven decisions.
41Grouping and summarizing data in pivot tables
The lesson on grouping and summarizing data in pivot tables expands on the basic functionality of pivot tables. It teaches you how to group your data based on specific criteria, such as dates, numbers, or text, to create more meaningful summaries. By grouping data, you can organize it into smaller, more manageable sections, making it easier to analyze and interpret. Additionally, you'll learn how to summarize grouped data using various functions, such as sum, count, average, etc., to gain deeper insights into your dataset.
42Creating pivot charts
The lesson on creating pivot charts teaches you how to visually represent the data in your pivot tables. Pivot charts provide a graphical representation of your summarized data, making it easier to identify trends, patterns, and outliers. You can create various types of charts, such as bar charts, line charts, pie charts, etc., based on your data and the insights you want to convey. Pivot charts are dynamic and linked to your pivot table, so any changes you make in the table will automatically reflect in the chart, ensuring that your visualizations are always up to date.
43Lets make a pivot using the data
What You'll Learn: ▪️ Setting Up Data for Pivot Tables: Learn how to prepare your data for Pivot Tables, including organizing it in a tabular format and converting it into an official Excel table. ▪️ Creating Pivot Tables: Understand the basics of inserting Pivot Tables, including using the 'Recommended PivotTables' feature for a quick start. ▪️ Customizing Pivot Tables: Dive into sorting values, changing number formats, adding filters, and adjusting the design and layout of your Pivot Tables. ▪️ Advanced Pivot Table Features: Explore how to show values as percentages of grand totals, connect slicers to multiple Pivot Tables, and ensure automatic updates with new data. We'll also cover how to add Pivot Slicers to get a professional visual to apply filters to our Pivot Table.
44Lesson about Pivot
Slicers in Excel are visual filtering tools that allow you to quickly filter and analyze data in tables, pivot tables, and pivot charts. They provide a user-friendly interface for filtering data based on specific criteria, making it easier to analyze and visualize data trends. Slicers display buttons for each unique value in a field, allowing users to easily select or deselect values to filter the data accordingly. They are particularly useful for creating interactive dashboards and reports in Excel.
46Power Pivot
Power Pivot is an Excel add-in that allows you to perform powerful data analysis and create sophisticated data models. It extends Excel's capabilities by enabling you to import and manipulate large volumes of data from various sources, such as databases, text files, and other Excel files.
With Power Pivot, you can create relationships between different tables, define calculated columns and measures using Data Analysis Expressions (DAX), and build advanced data models. It also provides the ability to create PivotTables and PivotCharts based on these data models, allowing for dynamic and interactive data analysis. Power Pivot is especially useful for handling large datasets and performing complex data analysis tasks in Excel.
47Creating drop-down lists
The lesson on creating drop-down lists teaches you how to provide users with a predefined set of options to select from in a cell. Drop-down lists help standardize data entry and ensure consistency in your spreadsheet. You'll learn how to create a list of items and link it to a cell, so when users click on the cell, they can choose from the list instead of typing. This can improve data accuracy and make data entry faster and more efficient.
48Data Validation: Setting up data validation rules
The lesson on setting up data validation rules teaches you how to control the type and format of data that users can enter into a cell. Data validation helps ensure data accuracy and consistency by restricting entries to specific values, ranges, or formats. You'll learn how to create rules that allow only certain types of data (e.g., numbers, dates, text) or within specified ranges. This can prevent errors and make your spreadsheet more user-friendly.
49Lesson: Intermediate Excel - Data Validation
50Data validation & Excel Data Analysis with Pivot Tables
51Advanced Charting: Creating combination charts
The lesson on creating combination charts teaches you how to combine two or more different chart types into a single chart. Combination charts are useful when you want to compare different sets of data that have different scales or formats. For example, you can combine a bar chart and a line chart to show both sales volume and sales revenue in the same chart. This allows you to visualize relationships and trends in your data more effectively.
52Using secondary axes
The lesson on using secondary axes in advanced charting teaches you how to plot two different data series that have different scales on the same chart. By using a secondary axis, you can effectively compare two sets of data that are measured in different units or have different ranges. This is useful for visualizing relationships and trends that might not be apparent when using a single axis.
53Adding trendlines
The lesson on adding trendlines teaches you how to visually display trends in your data by adding a trendline to a chart. A trendline is a line that shows the general direction of the data, making it easier to identify patterns and predict future values. You'll learn how to add different types of trendlines, such as linear, exponential, and moving average, to your charts and how to customize them to best fit your data. Trendlines can help you make more informed decisions and communicate insights more effectively.
54Advanced Charting
55Final quiz -Microsoft Excel _Intermediate Level
56Advanced Data Analysis: Using advanced filter options:
The lesson on using advanced filter options teaches you how to filter data in Excel using complex criteria. Advanced filters allow you to specify multiple conditions to filter data based on specific criteria, such as text, numbers, or dates. You'll learn how to use filter operators like AND, OR, and NOT to create more intricate filters. This can help you extract specific subsets of data from a larger dataset, making it easier to analyze and work with.
57Using database functions (DSUM, DAVERAGE, DCOUNT, etc.)
The lesson on using database functions teaches you how to perform calculations on a set of records that meet specific criteria in a database or Excel table. Functions like DSUM, DAVERAGE, and DCOUNT allow you to calculate sums, averages, counts, and other aggregations based on conditions you specify. These functions are useful for extracting meaningful insights from large datasets and performing complex analyses without the need for manual calculations.
58Using array formulas
The lesson on using array formulas teaches you how to perform calculations on multiple items in an array or range of cells at once. Array formulas can simplify complex calculations and perform operations that are not possible with standard formulas. You'll learn how to create array formulas using functions like SUM, AVERAGE, and IF, as well as how to use array constants and operators to manipulate arrays. This can help you save time and effort when working with large datasets and complex calculations.
59Lesson: Advanced Excel - Advanced Data Analysis
60Macros and VBA: Recording and running macros
The lesson on recording and running macros teaches you how to automate repetitive tasks in Excel using macros. Macros are recorded sequences of actions that can be replayed to perform the same tasks automatically. You'll learn how to use the macro recorder to record your actions, such as formatting cells or applying formulas, and then run the recorded macro to repeat those actions with a single click. This can help you save time and reduce errors in your work.
61Introduction to VBA
The lesson on Introduction to VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) introduces you to the basics of VBA programming in Excel. VBA is a powerful tool that allows you to automate tasks and customize Excel functionality. You'll learn how to write simple VBA code to perform tasks like manipulating data, creating custom functions, and interacting with the Excel interface. This can help you streamline your workflow and make Excel work more efficiently for you.
62Lesson: Advanced Excel - Macros and VBA
63Advanced Data Analysis in Excel- VBA, Macro,Database functions.
64Advanced Pivot Table Techniques:Advanced pivot table
The lesson on advanced pivot tables teaches you how to leverage the full power of pivot tables in Excel for data analysis. You'll learn advanced techniques for organizing and summarizing large datasets, including using calculated fields and items to perform custom calculations, and working with external data sources to analyze data from multiple sources. These skills can help you gain deeper insights into your data and make more informed decisions.
65Using calculated fields and items
The lesson on using calculated fields and items in pivot tables teaches you how to perform custom calculations on your data within a pivot table. Calculated fields allow you to create new fields in your pivot table by combining existing fields using mathematical operations or other formulas. Calculated items, on the other hand, allow you to perform calculations on individual items within a field. These features can help you derive more meaningful insights from your data and create more dynamic and flexible pivot tables.
66Using external data sources
The lesson on using external data sources in pivot tables teaches you how to connect your pivot table to external data sources such as other Excel workbooks, Access databases, SQL databases, or even web data sources. This allows you to analyze and summarize data from multiple sources in a single pivot table, providing a comprehensive view of your data. You'll learn how to set up these connections, refresh the data to reflect the latest changes, and manipulate the data to meet your analysis needs.
67Lesson: Advanced Excel - Advanced Pivot Table Techniques
68Collaboration and Sharing: Protecting sheets and workbooks.
The lesson on protecting sheets and workbooks teaches you how to secure your Excel files from unauthorized access or accidental changes. You'll learn how to apply password protection to individual sheets or the entire workbook, preventing others from viewing or modifying your data without the password. Additionally, you'll learn how to protect specific elements of your sheets, such as cells or formulas, to ensure their integrity. This can help you maintain the confidentiality and integrity of your Excel files.
69Tracking changes
The lesson on tracking changes teaches you how to keep track of changes made to your Excel workbooks by different users. You'll learn how to enable the "Track Changes" feature, which highlights changes made by each user and allows you to accept or reject those changes. This can be useful for collaborating on workbooks with others, as it helps you keep a record of who made which changes and when. Additionally, you'll learn how to review and manage tracked changes to ensure the accuracy and integrity of your data.
70Sharing workbooks
The lesson on sharing workbooks teaches you how to collaborate with others on Excel workbooks. You'll learn how to share a workbook with other users, allowing them to view and edit the workbook simultaneously. You'll also learn how to manage changes made by multiple users, resolve conflicts, and track changes made by different users. This can help you work more efficiently with others, especially when working on projects that require input from multiple team members.
71Lesson: Advanced Excel - Collaboration and Sharing
72Advanced Formulas:INDEX and MATCH functions
The lesson on the INDEX and MATCH functions teaches you how to perform advanced lookups in Excel. The INDEX function returns the value of a cell in a specific row and column of a range, while the MATCH function returns the relative position of a value in a range. By combining these functions, you can perform lookups that are more flexible and powerful than those possible with VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP. This can be useful for tasks such as retrieving data from a table based on multiple criteria or finding the position of a value in a list.
73INDIRECT function
The INDIRECT function in Excel is a powerful tool that allows you to create dynamic references to cells and ranges. It takes a text string as an argument and returns the reference specified by that string. This can be useful in various scenarios, such as when you want to refer to a cell whose address is stored in another cell, or when you want to create a dynamic range reference based on certain conditions. The INDIRECT function can help you build more flexible and dynamic formulas in Excel, making your worksheets more efficient and easier to maintain.
74Lesson- Advanced Formulas
75Final quiz -Microsoft Excel _Advanced Level
76Project 1
In this video we walk through the data cleaning process and dashboard creation in Excel.
Excel Dataset: Excel-Tutorial/Excel Project Dataset.xlsx at main · AlexTheAnalyst/Excel-Tutorial · GitHub
77Project 2
End to end Excel Project to add to your data portfolio. You'll gather and transform the data, analyse and visualize it - to end up with a beautiful, dynamic, and interactive dashboard.
78Virtual Internship with Forage